it's her world, we're all just playin' in it!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Recently we stood up in front of the congregation at Crossroads Church of Aspen and dedicated Ryder to the Lord. We were so lucky to be surrounded by family that weekend and truly enjoyed spending time with everyone. Now that we are all grown and working/married/busy, etc it is a rare treat to have everyone in the same place for 48 hours! We are so thankful to the Granat/Kubik/Kreeger/Hicks crews that made a big effort to get up to see us and participate in Ryder's dedication.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nashville, 3- Me and My Papa

No bones about it... Ryder loves loves loves his papa

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nashville, 2

One of the other great things we did in Nashville was introducing Ryder to all the family! He had a great time meeting everyone and we even got a full-Poole photo
Pic 1. Swing time with Mimi Shirley and a pug 2. Meeting Ali, Lia and Mack 3. Saying Bye to Mack and Lia 4. the All Poole photo

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nashville, 1

We took a 6 day trip to Nashville to visit the southern half of the family and had a great time. Here are photos of some of the time we spent on the wonderful porch at Mimi Shirley and Grandpa Mack's...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Workin for a living

When I am at work Andy is great about sending me a pic of Ryder to get me through... Here is the latest one

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Vail Crew

We went over to Vail to visit some friends and celebrate Courtney Lueck's 1year birthday! We had a great day and it was so fun to catch up with some of our great friends who have been neglected this spring between work/school/clinicals/etc/etc/etc. We are all hoping this will be a great kick off for summer and can't wait to see more friends soon. The photos 1. Aunt Bethie, 2. Melissa and the birthday girl Courtney 3. Kelly and Davis Place 4. Lilly Place giving Ryder a smooch!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A family that races together...

Sorry for the lag in the posts! I forgot to schedule some to pop up while we were out of town! Now to get you caught up...

Two weekends ago we took Ryder camping for the 18 Hours of Fruita Bike race. The race started Friday night at midnight and went until 6pm the following day. Andy and I were both on teams racing for the new Street Swell mtb race team (check out Street Swell's info at ) and we ended up taking Ryder along and passing him off between laps. Both teams did great, we were both thrilled to be back racing on the bikes and Ryder was the star of the weekend~ he slept 12 hours friday night! That was a personal best! Here are some photos...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Workin' hard or hardly workin'?

Ryder playing in his exer-saucer (aka The Office)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Catch me if you can

Ryder's smile loves to hide from any kind of photographic evidence!! He smiles a lot throughout the day but he hates to let the camera catch him in the act. I have been a on a campaign to get this recorded... today I was tickling him and trying to snap photos without looking. It didn't go great but I did capture some peeps of smiles...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Trying new things

We were told by Ryder's pediatrician that he can start eating Rice Cereal so we tried it for the first time this week. He was excited to see a spoon headed towards his mouth but not as enthusiastic about the end result! It seems like he feels that his hands are a better option... I have been told it takes a couple of weeks for them to get on board with this new program so we are going to keep trying.